Payroll taxes system has been given a very important status in our country India. Which greatly helps in financing our country’s health care, social security programs and all other crucial public services.
Payroll taxes play a big role for all businesses and their employees, so it’s important to have a detailed understanding of the types of payroll taxes for compliance and financial planning.
It is very important for any employee living in India to understand about the types of payroll taxes so that they can know about all their rights and all the schemes along with the salary and for the sake of their contribution in the country.
So, we are providing a comprehensive guide to the types of payroll taxes on this blog, where you will be given detailed information about all types of payroll taxes, which no one else is able to provide you.
- The Major Types of Payroll Taxes
- All United States Payroll Taxes
- Define Medicare Tax
- Explain Federal Income Tax (FIT)
- What is the FUTA Payroll Tax?
- Define Social Security Payroll Taxes
- What is State Unemployment Tax?
- What is the Meaning of State Income Payroll Tax?
- All Payroll Taxes in India
- Provident Funds (PF)
- Define Professional Tax
- What is the Meaning of Employee State Insurance (ESI)?
- Explain Gratuity
- Labour Welfare Fund in India
- Bonus in India
- Other Payroll – Related Deductions
- In Conclusion
- FAQs
The Major Types of Payroll Taxes

As you can see, no one talks much about the types of payroll taxes but now that we have talked about it, we would like to tell you that there are many types of payroll taxes and we have explained them in very good ways.
As described in the following paragraphs, you will get accurate and researched information about them:
- Medicare Tax
- Federal Income Tax
- Local Tax
- FUTA Tax
- Social Security Tax
- State Unemploment Tax
- State Income Tax
- Withholding Forms
- Employer Contributions
- Federal Insurance Contributions
- Wages
- Provident Fund (PF)
- Professional Tax
- Employee State Insurance
- Gratuity
- Labour Welfare Fund in India
- Bonus
- Professional Contributions
- Voluntery Deductions
All United States Payroll Taxes
Define Medicare Tax

We will define medicare tax properly with the help of below given paragraphs so that you can know about it in detail and you will not face any kind of problems.
The Medicare tax was introduced in the United States in the form of a federal payroll tax, designed to help effectively finance the Medicare program for all. Which provides coverage of health services only for persons 65 years of age and older as well as some specifically disabled individuals.
The Medicare tax is considered very different from all other payroll taxes. Which requires employers to withhold social security taxes as well as salaries from all employees.
In lastly we would like to tell you medicare tax is the 1st type among of types of payroll taxes of the United States Payroll Taxes
Explain Federal Income Tax (FIT)

Federal Income Tax (FIT) is a direct tax levied by the federal united states government on income derived from various sources such as salaries, profits, interest, rents, royalties or other forms of profit by individuals, firms and other entities
These taxes are one of the major sources of government revenue to support government provision of programs and services such as national defense, social welfare, public works and education.
The U.S. has come up with a progressive tax system under which the amount of tax paid increases as taxable income increases.
In lastly we would like to tell you Federal Income Tax (FIT) is the 2nd type among of types of payroll taxes of the United States Payroll Taxes
What is the FUTA Payroll Tax?

FUTA payroll tax also known as the Federal Unemployment Tax Act is a federal tax in the United States that supports unemployment benefits. FUTA tax is another tax contributed by the employers, and does not come out of the employees’ wages.
The tax rate is 6.0%. On the first $7,000 of each employee’s wages in the year, there will be no deductions whatsoever. However, in return, if the employers remit their state unemployment taxes payable on time and in full, they can be reimbursed up to 5.4% which effectively reduces the FUTA rate to 0.6%
This credit aims at encouraging employers to contribute in their state programmes of unemployment insurance. FUTA tax assists in the financing of the unemployment compensation and the job placement facilities and is collected by the Internal Revenue Service.
In lastly we would like to tell you FUTA payroll tax is the 3rd type among of types of payroll taxes of the United States Payroll Taxes
Define Social Security Payroll Taxes

Social security payroll taxes in the United States are collected to fund the Social Security program, which provides monetary assistance to older people, disabled individuals, and dependents of deceased workers. The tax rate is currently 12.4%.
Therefore, the contribution is 6% which is split 50-50 between the employer and the employee. But they may be allowed to offset their share of the employer’s contribution with this amount while calculating their income tax.
This tax is imposed on income up to a specific level called the wage base limit which was $168,600 for the year 2024.
In lastly we would like to tell you Social security payroll taxes is the 4th type among of types of payroll taxes of the United States Payroll Taxes
What is State Unemployment Tax?

State unemployment tax (SUTA) is a rate of tax on employers’ wages that is paid to the state where they are employed. Every state in the U.S. is required to collect tax for unemployment insurance, which aims to provide some form of compensation to unemployed individuals where they lose their jobs without a voluntary decision.
SUTA is paid on a certain standard amount of wages that varies from state to state and is also revised by employers from time to time. These taxes vary from state to state taking into account the employer’s industry as well as the history of claims made.
The money collected is used to offer such forms of unemployment benefits and these are weekly payments to individuals who are eligible for being out of work. Employers are required to pay unemployment taxes and file returns at least four times a year with the relevant state agency.
In lastly we would like to tell you State unemployment tax (SUTA) is the 5th type among of types of payroll taxes of the United States Payroll Taxes
What is the Meaning of State Income Payroll Tax?

State Income payroll Tax is a tax levied and collected by the government of an individual state on the income of a citizen of that state and in some cases non-resident citizens earning income in the state.
It works like federal income tax but is levied and administered by the various state governments and the money is then used to finance state’s services such as education, transportation, health, and public security among others.
In regard to state income taxes, both rates and structures might be different. While some states have set taxes depending on the level of income through a number of bands known as progressive tax system, there are those that have set a fixed tax rate that applies to all income.
In lastly we would like to tell you State Income payroll Tax is the 6th type among of types of payroll taxes of the United States Payroll Taxes
All Payroll Taxes in India
Provident Funds (PF)

Provident Fund (PF) is considered as a social security measure as its main motive is to provide good financial security and stability to an employee after retirement.
In view of this, the Government of India has governed the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) scheme through the Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Projects Act, 1952.
How PF is Calculated?
Both employers and employees contribute their full amount into their EPF account. And the contribution rates are only 12% of the employee’s basic salary and dearness allowance. But for some categories of establishments it can be as high as 10%.
- Employee Contribution: 12% of basic salary + dearness allowance.
- Employer COntribution: 12% of basic salary + dearness allowance.
The overall contribution of the employer’s, 8.33% is deposited in his pension scheme (EPS) and the remaining 3.67% is deposited in the EPPS.
In lastly we would like to tell you Provident Fund (PF) is the 1st type among of types of payroll taxes of the india’s Payroll Taxes
Define Professional Tax

We will define professional tax propriety with the help of the paragraphs given below so that you all do not have any kind of doubt regarding this tax.
Professional tax has emerged quite rapidly as a tax which is imposed by all the state governments on salaried individuals and businessmen.
Professional tax comes under the category of indirect tax which is very well categorized according to the states all of which have their own different rules and laws.
How Professional Tax is Calculated?
Professional tax is usually seen as a slab-based tax and is deducted from the employee’s salary by the employers with the maximum value of professional tax being levied in a year is only ₹2,500.
For example, in Maharashtra, the professional tax is as follows:
- Salary up to ₹7,500: Nil
- Salary from ₹7,501 to ₹10,000: ₹175 per month
- Salary above ₹10,000: ₹200 per month (₹300 in February)
In lastly we would like to tell you professional tax is the 2nd type among of types of payroll taxes of the india’s Payroll Taxes
What is the Meaning of Employee State Insurance (ESI)?

The employee state insurance (ESI) scheme is a social security and a health insurance programmes for employees in India which is financed by the employees themselves.
It is managed under the direction of the Employee State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), a separate organization comes under Ministry of Labour and Employment.
How ESI is Calculated
Employer contribution to the employee state insurance (ESI) scheme is made for employees earning up to ₹21,000 per month (₹25000 for disabled employees). Employers and employees alike contribute a proportion of their salary to the ESI fund.
- Employee Contribution: 0.75% of the monthly salary
- Employer Contribution: 3.25% of the monthly salary
In lastly we would like to tell you employee state insurance (ESI) is the 3rd type among of types of payroll taxes of the india’s Payroll Taxes
Explain Gratuity

We will explain Gratuity with the help of given below paragraphs in which you can get exact and correct information about this.
Gratuity is a sum of money given by an employer to an employee in return for service rendered in his employment. However, these are regulated by the Payment of Gratuity Act of 1972.
How Gratuity is Calculated?
Gratuity is paid only to all those employees who have completed at least 5 years of service without unemployment. The formula for calculating gratuity is:
Gratuity=Last drawn salary×Years of service×2615
Here the last drawn salary includes basic salary and dearness allowance. The total number of years of service is rounded to the nearest whole year.
In lastly we would like to tell you Gratuity is the 5th type among of types of payroll taxes of the india’s Payroll Taxes
Labour Welfare Fund in India

Labour Welfare Fund in india is an amount required to be contributed by the employers towards the welfare of employees. This is so provided in some of the Indian states and is regulated by the state Labour Welfare Fund Acts.
How Labour Fund in India Calculated?
The amount Dependant on the Labour Welfare Fund, differs from state to state. Usually the money is contributed by both the employer and the employee, though the employer’s contribution is usually larger. For example, in Maharashtra, the contribution is:
- Employee Contribution: ₹12 Per Year
- Employer Contribution: ₹36 per Year
In lastly we would like to tell you Labour Welfare Fund in India is the 6th type among of types of payroll taxes of the india’s Payroll Taxes
Bonus in India

The Payment of Bonus in india Act, 1965 also provides procedure for payment of bonuses to the employees in certain establishments. This is earned on the basis of merit, for the wage earner has performed well in the course of the year or it can be in form of profit sharing.
How Bonus is Calculated?
The Act specifies that employees whose salary is less than ₹21,000 per month are to be given a minimum bonus of 8.33% of the salary. The maximum bonus can be up to 20% of the salary.
In lastly we would like to tell you bonus in india is the 7th type among of types of payroll taxes of the india’s Payroll Taxes
Other Payroll – Related Deductions

Besides the comprehensive payroll taxes described above, there are other deductions that may be relevant according to the employee-employer relationship particulars of a business organization. These include:
- Professional Contributions

An employer may also pay subscription to professional bodies or funds of an employee or otherwise through check such as Indian Medical Association (IMA) or the Bar Council of India (BCI). Such contributions are generally made on a segment/industry basis.
- Voluntry Deductions

The compensation that regularly gets provided to the employees may include various options of voluntary contributions that may include public provident fund scheme, national pension scheme, or any of the saving or insurance available.
These are usually paid from their income and might offer them some exemptions according to sections of the Income Tax Act.
In Conclusion

To the employees and the employers it is very important to acquaint with the various types of payroll taxes prevailing in India.
Such taxes not only apply the law but also care for the social security of the workforce in the country.
Therefore, information on several forms of payroll taxes and methods of calculating them can assist employers in avoiding legal issues with employees in regard to the taxes.
From the employees’ viewpoint, awareness of these taxes and deductions assists in planning one’s finances and boosting the chances of accessing the best schemes.
Q1. Is payroll tax a direct or indirect tax?
Q2. What is payroll tax in salary?
A2. Payroll tax is a portion of an employee’s salary withheld by the employer and paid to the government. It includes taxes like income tax, professional tax, and employee contributions to schemes like PF and ESI.
Q3. How is payroll calculated in India?
A3. Payroll in India involves calculating gross salary, deducting taxes (income tax, professional tax), employee & employer contributions (PF, ESI, gratuity), to arrive at net salary.
Q4. How to calculate ESI in salary?
A4. ESI is calculated on an employee’s gross salary. The employee contributes 0.75% of their gross salary, while the employer contributes 3.25%. Both amounts are deducted from the employee’s salary.
Q5. What is a payroll example?
A5. Payroll taxes are funds withheld from employee paychecks and paid by employers to fund government programs like Social Security and Medicare. Examples include federal income tax, Social Security tax, and Medicare tax.
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